Chicken farm managers do these 6 points!

Training is in place

The sources of personnel in chicken farms vary widely, the education level is generally not high, the systematic understanding of chicken raising technology is lacking, and the mobility is large. In order to maintain the continuity of the work of the chicken farm, let the newcomers or the people who are changing posts familiarize themselves with the work they are responsible for as soon as possible. Whether it is a new or an old employee, the training should be done systematically.

 1. To do a good job in the training of chicken farm biosecurity

Carry out long-term systematic and continuous training on the management systems related to the life and death of chicken farms such as biosecurity, disinfection, and isolation; combine the actual drills of the chicken farm and the supervision, guidance and correction in daily work, and gradually integrate biosecurity into life and become a habit .

laying hens cage

 2. Training should be classified and targeted

The training of farming system knowledge is important, but it can be carried out slowly in combination with the actual work and the growth of employees. First of all, differentiated training should be carried out according to the different positions of personnel. The training should focus on practical operations, such as how to immunize, how to disinfect, how to use the manure cleaner, how to replace the manure cleaner rope, how to use the feeder and screed, how to adjust the temperature and humidity, and how to ventilate. The training should be assigned a special person to pass, help, and lead. After the training, everyone should know what the standard is and how to achieve the standard.

 3. Training should be standardized

There should be special training personnel, relatively fixed training courseware and detailed training and operation planning forms; the training objectives should be clear, and each goal to be achieved should be clear.

 4. Do a good job of post-training evaluation

How the training effect is not only to be assessed after each training, but also to be checked and checked in actual work. In accordance with the standards that the training should meet, reasonable rewards and punishments are given to the trainees, trainers and helpers.

How the training effect is not only to be assessed after each training, but also to be checked and checked in actual work. In accordance with the standards that the training should meet, reasonable rewards and punishments are given to the trainees, trainers and helpers.

 Job indicators should be in place

For each post, a clear post index should be specified, and rewards and punishments will be given according to the achievement rate of the post index. The laying hens can be simply divided into pre-production and post-production. Before production, indicators such as body weight, shank length, uniformity, total feed consumption, and healthy chick (chicken) rate are formulated; Egg volume, dead panning rate, egg shell breakage rate, average feed-to-egg ratio and other indicators;

Other people who powder, clean manure, and close doors and windows should also have a clear goal. The job index should be reasonable, and the projects should be few and operable;

It is necessary to seek more opinions from employees, give more rewards and less fines, and take the positive initiative of employees as the first element in formulating policies.

Responsibilities are clearly in place

Every task must be implemented to the head, everyone has indicators, and every piece of work has its own success. After the responsibilities are clarified, a meeting must be publicly committed and signed. For the things to be done together, the indicators and the ratio of rewards and punishments should be defined in advance, so that the mediocre people should be motivated, and the outstanding people should be motivated.

Post time: Jun-15-2022

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